Episode 5 – The Voice of Business on the Inspired Selling Podcast

With Jane Heywood, Head of Operations and Learning for Career Development at Said Business School, part of Oxford University.

It can be difficult to do everything and know everything yourself, especially when you’re operating in these difficult times.

Don’t go it alone, listen to the best practices of others who are successfully riding the storm of Covid19 and know they will come out of it THRIVING.

Jane is responsible for operational management of The Career Development Centre (CDC) with and responsibility for budget planning & negotiation, technology & other resources, CDC events.

Here’s what you’ll discover in this interview with Jane;

  •  The pivotal first steps she took to ensure business continued and at the same time met the need of their MBA and EMBA students.
  • How communication and collaboration added to the overall success of the business school.
  • The importance of planning next steps going forward

Let me know if you would like to take part and share your best practices in this special series of The Voice of Business on the Inspired Podcast. Email me at dylis@dylisguyan.com

Listen  to the full interview here.

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Email: dylis@dylisguyan.com



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