Are you a Professional Business Owner or Sales Person?
Do you need more Ideal Clients, more Sales and a bigger Bank Balance?
Then Coaching Is Your Key to Success.
Arrange your FREE “Profit Booster” session…
- Are you finding it a challenge to maintain a successful level of performance and productivity and at the same time, maintain a fulfilling life balance?
- Are you working really hard but not achieving the results you want?
- Are you overwhelmed and overloaded, spending more time fire fighting than generating new business?
- Are you still using old techniques in the new world of sales and marketing?
- Keeping up with the advances in today’s marketplace requires innovative change.

Coaching is all about YOU!
Dylis will analyse your product and identify your strengths and weaknesses in each of the elements (see above) required to produce outstanding sales results.
- Tailored to your personal requirements.
- 3 programmes to choose from which can be face to face or over the telephone, depending on where you live.
- A typical coaching programme will be for 6 months, so change goes deep and lasts a life time.
- The choice is yours.
If you are unsure if a paid coaching programme is for you, then…
Arrange your 1-1 “Strategy Session” complimentary coaching session with Dylis, a top sales and marketing expert, who will keep you, focused, motivated and will guarantee to improve your sales. NO COST, NO COMMITMENT!
We will work together during the 30 minute session to;
- Create a crystal clear vision for your “ultimate business success‟ and the “perfect lifestyle” you’d like your business to provide.
- Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging the growth of your business and keeping you working too many hours.
- Leave this session renewed, re-energized, and inspired to turn your business into a highly profitable, revenue-generating machine that practically runs itself…
You may be asking
Who should apply?
If you are committed to learning, open to change, if you are a “can do” rather than a “can’t do” person but most importantly, if you are an implementer, then you will NOT fail.
If you are ready to implement easy, step by step strategies that work and you are ready to transform your thinking and “Increase Your Sales” then I can’t wait to work with you.
Why hire a Sales Coach?
The most successful people in the world have coaches to improve their performance and to help them reach even higher levels of success. Think about the top sports people, they have coaches to help them achieve results beyond their own expectations.
A coach will help you identify and eliminate the selling headaches and the most common selling mistakes that sales people make which cost them sales, money, time and energy.
Why ask Dylis to be your Sales Coach?
Dylis has spent her whole career, since 1986, in sales, sales management, marketing, training, coaching and development.
After a highly successful career with a major financial services company, where she progressed from Sales Adviser to Regional Director, she left and set up her own company as a Sales, Marketing and Sales Management Consultant, which she has been running since 2000.
She has inspired, trained, coached, developed and managed, 100′s of sales people, sales teams, sales managers, and CEO’s of many PLC’s to produce increased results of more than 400%.
What Are The Details Of The 3 Coaching Programmes?
Platinum Coaching Programme (Fast Track)
Who is the platinum programme for?
This 6 months option is for the high achiever, who wants to move incredibly fast in increasing their client base. In this programme we schedule 3 calls per month to get you on track and speeding through the process of building your client base. I roll up my sleeves and get in the trenches with you, to work on each assignment and give you the crucial feedback and tools you need to get moving quickly,
After every assignment send me your work and I will critique each piece, rewrite if necessary and send back to you with amendments.
The programme is flexible and I will discuss any other topic throughout the programme. So, if you have a specific situation that needs my help, I will support you with the advice and tools required at that point.
What does the Platinum Programme include?
- 3 x 45 minute Skype calls per month (this is flexible and if you prefer 2 longer sessions then we can arrange that as we go)
- Templates for Client Profile, Value Proposition, Elevator Pitch, Website, Speaking engagements, Email, Letter, Telephone Conversation, Sales Conversation, Handling Objections, Referrals. Any other elements that are required throughout the process
- Example templates To make it easy I give you my completed templates of all of the templates mentioned above. This will make your learning even easier because you can model what I give you.
- Role Plays Elevator Speech, Telephone Conversation, Face to Face Sales Meeting, Handling Objections, Speaking engagements. And any other elements that are required throughout the process.
- Recording of all calls which can be referred to in the future.
This programme has the additional benefit of me personally carrying out a Critique of ALL marketing material and associated sales collateral
Gold Coaching Programme (Advanced)
Who is the gold programme for?
This 6 months option is also for the high achiever, who wants to take the process in increasing their client base a little slower. In this programme we schedule 3 calls per month to get you on track and speeding through the process of building your client base. I still roll up my sleeves and get in the trenches with you, to work on each assignment and give you the crucial feedback and tools you need to get moving quickly but there is no additional critique. The programme is flexible and I will discuss any other topic throughout the programme. So, if you have a specific situation that needs my help, I will support you with the advice and tools required at that point.
What does the Gold Programme include?
- 3 x 45 minute Skype calls per month (this is flexible and if you prefer 2 longer sessions then we can arrange that as we go)
- Templates for Client Profile, Value Proposition, Elevator Pitch, Website, Speaking engagements, Email, Letter, Telephone Conversation, Sales Conversation, Handling Objections, Referrals. Any other elements that are required throughout the process
- Example templates. To make it easy I give you my completed templates of all of the templates mentioned above. This will make your learning even easier because you can model what I give you.
- Role Plays of your Elevator Speech, Telephone Conversation, Face to Face Sales Meeting, Handling Objections, Speaking engagements. And any other elements that are required through out the process.
- Recording of all calls which can be referred to in the future
This programme includes everything in the Platinum programme with the exception of the personal critique.
The Silver Coaching Programme (Maintenance)
Who is the Silver Programme for:
Created for “graduates” who have completed at least 6 months in one of the other programs . For those who feel they’ve done most of the groundwork and simply need occasional maintenance. Not recommended for beginners, as there’s more work to be done to gain fast momentum.
What does the Silver option include:
- 2 x 30 minute Skype calls per month
- Recording of all calls which can be referred to in the future
This program includes strategising, collaborating and brainstorming with me on any issues or assignments that come up but you don’t need to speak as often as the other two programmes.
How long is each program?
A business traditionally gets consistently full in 3 or more years.
Expect a fraction of that when working with me (especially with the Fast Track Program.)
Clients take a minimum of 6 months of working together to apply all the steps, sometimes longer, and enjoy a substantial (often dramatic) increase in their number of clients and income.
Remember though, this is only for people who are truly serious about getting results.
How will we work together and what does the program entail?
We will have our calls over Skype, where we can see each other. This is the next best option to a face to face meeting. It saves you time as you don’t have to travel to meet me. All calls are recorded and that recording will be placed in your folder, just for you, so you can access them at any time into the future.
All worksheets and templates will be sent to you with accompanying examples of EVERYTHING. I will go through each segment thoroughly so you have a deep understanding of the concepts and principles of the “What, Why and How” Then we will move on to the next step.
You will be given an assignment at the end of each session, I will review your work and we will practice to give you the confidence you need to go out and implement on your own.
You will set actions that you will commit to carrying out before the next call. If you get stuck, I will help you get unstuck.
I will be the person you are accountable to. I will be the “wind beneath your wings” helping you every step of the way to achieving your goals.
YOU are my priority, YOUR SUCCESS is my priority.
- Create a crystal clear vision for your “ultimate business success” and the “perfect lifestyle” you’d like your business to provide.
- Uncover hidden challenges that may be sabotaging the growth of
your business and keeping you working too many hours - Leave this session with a high level strategy and feeling renewed, re-energized, and inspired to turn your business into a highly profitable, revenue-generating machine
Here’s what Peter Burdon, Former CEO Thorntons said:

“Dylis was instrumental in our shops growing their ‘external sales’ with other businesses.
Our managers found her sales training programme to be both effective and inspirational. Her straightforward and easy to understand approach gave our colleagues ideas and strategies which they could immediately turn into action.
But more than anything, it created a belief and a ‘can do’ attitude amongst our managers. As a result of Dylis’s programmes our external sales grew from £225,000, to well over £1.1 million within 12 months”.
Peter Burdon
Former CEO Thorntons
I am truly committed to you and your success… and will help you…
- Not only improve your sales and marketing skills and knowledge but also improve motivation, attitude and effectiveness
- Keep you focused when the going gets tough
- Put the 3 essentials of marketing in place, Right customer, Right Message and Right Media which will have customers coming to you in record time
- Craft attention grabbing emails and letters that will get you more call-backs
- Improve your conversion rates from contact to sale
- Give you a sales process that will keep you on track and take your client from a position of interest to a position where they want to buy from you.
- No more convincing, persuading or pushy sales techniques.
- Develop the right questions that will uncover the “Real Need” areas
- Overcome those de-railing objections, especially the “Price Issue”
- Increase the lifetime value of your existing customers who give repeat and referral business
- Implement strategies that will prevent your customers moving to the competition
- Boost your sales performance, increase your income and gain career satisfaction
- Improve your time management allowing you to enjoy the balance between your personal and professional life