

8 numbers you need to know to grow your business

8 numbers you need to know to grow your business

Many business owners think they just need to make more sales to grow their business but this is a myth……It is one way, but knowing the critical numbers in your business and taking action to make improvements, profits can increase without more sales or more...

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The Terrifying Truth About Your Prospects

The Terrifying Truth About Your Prospects

The fact is, your prospects aren’t judging you on the quality of your web site, or the content of your white papers and case studies, or your social media strategy, or your content marketing. The terrifying truth is: “Your prospects aren’t thinking about you at all!”...

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How to create value and be proud to be called a sales person

How to create value and be proud to be called a sales person

Too many sales people or entrepreneurs avoid wanting to be seen or addressed as a sales person. Selling is giving and I hear a lot of people writing on their profile…describing their role, and the word sales or sell isn't there. Its account manager, account executive...

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Merge old school with new school and grow your client base

Merge old school with new school and grow your client base

What it takes to succeed today in selling is blending old school and new school together. You know there’s this amazing paradox in selling at the moment in that it is never been easier to sell on one hand and yet there’s never been a higher failure rate for sellers in B2B selling in the history of the world.

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Are you prepared for the Technology Revolution?

Are you prepared for the Technology Revolution?

Technology is going to transform our lives and businesses within 18 months……Yes, 18 months and we must be ready and  prepared to change and adapt.  Listen to this weeks interview with Christina Kerley, known as CK and find out how you can prepare for the future...

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Why You Should Create Content To Become “Known”

Why You Should Create Content To Become “Known”

Are you an expert in your field and yet you feel like you are the best kept secret. You are constantly chasing clients and yet you see others who seem to attract clients like “Bees to a honeypot” Listen to this interview and find out how you can become "Known" in your...

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Mainstream sales to More complex sales

Mainstream sales to More complex sales

Hi If you want to go from mainstream sales to more complex sales then listen to the interview with George Bronten.  He is going to share his story with us as to how he went from mainstream to selling more of the complex B2B sales. He’s going to share the...

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How automation can keep your business out of trouble!

How automation can keep your business out of trouble!

Are you carrying out tasks on a manual basis, over and over again!! This was me before I met Rosie. Not any more!! I am now streamlined and automated with everything and have more time to spend time on making a bigger impact and growing my business. More time to spend...

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Speak to Sell (But not in a salesy way)

Speak to Sell (But not in a salesy way)

Public speaking has often been referred to as being more scary than death. Yet speaking is one of the most powerful ways to get your message out to many and attract more of your ideal prospective clients. Listen to my interview with Davide Di Giorgio and find out "the...

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