

How To Convert TradeShow Leads Into Deals

How To Convert TradeShow Leads Into Deals

Most companies don’t bring home enough deals to justify the enormous expense of exhibiting at Trade Shows, Expos etc. Dianna Geairn shows businesses proven and innovative strategies to help them to create a winning strategy before the show, to dominate at the show and to generate and turn leads into deals when they get home and back to their offices.

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Are you looking to add a ZERO to your business?

Are you looking to add a ZERO to your business?

Since 2005, Jayhas grown four businesses. He’s taken three businesses from zero staff to 22 staff. He’s exited twiceonce in 2011 and again in 2013. Check out his story of how he went from Battlefield to Boardroom and is now a sought after coach, renowned...

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Top Tips To Overcome Presenting Fears!

Top Tips To Overcome Presenting Fears!

Does the thought of presenting fill you with dread, give you sweaty palms and have you shaking like a leaf whenever you’ve have to do it. You are not alone!
But there are ways to overcome those fears and allow you to present like a pro.

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Become a member of the top 1%’ers

Become a member of the top 1%’ers

Scott Ingram has always been frustrated that there was no sales content coming directly from top performers. So about a year and a half ago he launched the Sales Success Stories Podcast where he ONLY interviews top individual contributors who are either #1 or at least in the top 1%. Today he shares those top tips and strategies.

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Top tips to deliver a knockout presentation

Top tips to deliver a knockout presentation

Michael Sinnhuber is the king of Presentations. He helps people to stand out in a world of boring presentations. He’s helped people to win the game of presentations and sales and in turn has helped entrepreneurs and B2B businesses over the last years to win six, seven, and eight figure deals simply by designing and creating these unboring presentations and communications.

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