Crafting an enthralling brand story is the best way to capture people’s attention and build trust, which is why it’s so effective at helping you resonate with the people who matter to your business.
Dylis: Hi there, this is Dylis Guyan and welcome to the Inspired Selling Podcast, the place where business owners, consultants, coaches, trainers, professional experts who sell to bigger businesses, discover how to attract, convert, and retain more of their ideal clients on a consistent basis. If you’ve listened to my podcast before, you’ll know how that is a passion of mine that we get rid of these peaks and troughs of cash flow. You’ve got a full pipeline, you can choose who you want to work with, and it takes away all of that frustration and anxiety.
I’ve got yet another fantastic guest for you. Melanie Gow this week and she is a brand strategist. So let me just give you a little bit of this impressive background. So Melanie has been out there, she has been a film director, she’s a published author and crowd funded publisher. She’s told her story from the TEDx. Is it the red spot? Red Circle? I think it’s the Red Circle. She’s been on over 50 radio shows, both national and regional; BBC. Just given a sold out national tour covered by national print media and magazines and publications. She really knows what a signature story can deliver for you personally and for your business and how to make it happen. That’s the most important thing. We can know things, but it’s about taking action and how to make it happen. In some world she’s known as a brand story strategist, in her world she believes that she makes legends. And I can attest to that. Welcome, Melanie. I’m so thrilled to have you with us today.
Melanie: Hello Dylis and thank you for having me on. You made me sound fantastic. So thank you for that.
Dylis: You are fantastic.
Melanie: It always makes me smile that what I’m known as is a brand story strategist, but I believe I make legends because that’s what I see in the people that I work with and I think that’s, that’s the point of story. It is the story of a legend really, which, you know, is something that is absolutely true and never tells anything that is untrue but does allow for miracles. That’s the piece that I like about it.
Dylis: Oh my God, I loved you from the moment we met Melanie and I’m so thrilled to have you with us today.
Melanie: So what can I tell you?
Dylis: Well, give us a little bit of your background first. How did you get to become that brand strategist? You know, that legend maker?
Melanie: Well, I mean some of this, obviously I have to tell you a story.
Dylis: Of course.
Melanie: This part of my life began when my father died, my marriage imploded, and I lost my second publishing deal or within six months. I was looking into what I call my abyss of fire, this torched landscape that was once my life. I knew that it was either going to be the best thing that happened to me or the worst. I realised that was only one option actually. I do believe in the power of two choices and I needed to walk out there with a different story and that’s exactly what I did. I went on a walk with my two sons who happened to be 16 and 12 at the time, and it just happened to be over the Pyrenees and across Spain for 800 kilometres and took and took us 33 days.
Dylis: Of course. It’s not down to Sainsbury’s in the town.
Melanie: I wanted to avoid that whole argument over the sweet sweet goodbye. So, you know.
Dylis: Oh brilliant.
Melanie: But the thing about that particular experience was within three weeks I was asked to put on an exhibition of my photographs and give a talk. That’s what became this national inspirational speaking tour, the crowdfunded book and the invite to the Ted Red Circle; a little carpet on the floor. The actual meaning behind it, the actual power behind it was because I knew how to tell a story.
There are 18,000 people who walk that walk every single day and every one of us, you know, is overwhelmed by the experience and wants to tell the world about it and believes they’re going to write a book and they’re going to do a video post and it’s going to go viral. They’re going to make a film. On my second day that was me and I had this other little voice in my head saying, yeah, but you know, you do really know the entertainment industry in the publishing world and you know, everybody thinks that. And for 33 days, I heard that in my head and on that last day I heard myself go, yes, but you know how this works.
Dylis: Yes.
Melanie: So that actually was proven true with what happened is that, yes, I was invited, but had I not known how to tell that story, not known how to land it with an audience and connect and not make my story stand out. If I had not known how to make my stories stand out, I would still be invisible. The fact that I did is what made the difference. That’s literally how I managed to harness the power of story to create this extraordinary exposure. I had learned my storytelling skills as you mentioned in what I call the real world of movies during the rise of the Weinstein era. So, you know, tough crowd.
Then my son was ill and I ended up having to choose between, well, you know, should I make movies or should I save his life? So, I kind of stayed home to save his life. But the story we were being told by the medical profession was that he was going to be a chronic sufferer for 16 years and somehow we turned that around. The thing that made sense to me was to turn that into a book, a story of what happened and how we had…what we had done had saved his life so that other people could benefit from it and that became published. So I began to build up this evidence that the power of story has this genuine power to leverage us up to another level or onto a global stage.
When I was doing that national speaking tour, there was a lady outside who was in a wheelchair and she had told me that she had tried to commit suicide twice that year. So I knew that she knew this world was not for sissies. So, when she said to me that she wanted what I had, I was a little bit mystified. I didn’t understand what she meant. So, after a couple more questions, and she told me about the poetry she’d written and that she’d built her kitchen herself from her wheelchair and she repeated, I want what you have.
And it was then that I understood, she wanted just to matter. There I was up on the stage telling my story with audiences and here she was with poetry and an incredible story of building her kitchen from her wheelchair and invisible. I looked at her and I said, ah, you know, we all want to matter but you have to make your story matter. That’s how I ended up becoming a brand story strategist when I realised that I could inspire people, but in actual fact I have the ability to influence people into action that would make a difference into their lives. This power that I had was something I could teach and then pass on. So that’s how I ended up as a brand story strategist. But as I say, I believe I make legends.
Dylis: Excellent. I love that. The other thing that really stood out for me there is helping people to take the action because it’s all very well knowing something, it’s taking that action and you know, when that lady said, I want what you’ve got, she could learn all of the elements of it but she had to have that inspiration and motivation to implement it. That’s what I think I love most about you Melanie, that you’ve got that ability to kind of get people to understand that and feel that energy from you to think, yes, I can do this.
Melanie: Well I think that’s why we resonate so much isn’t it Dylis because this is literally what you stand for and this is what you encourage people. But I remember there’s a quote by Toni Morrison, she’s a beautiful writer and she’s talking about, you know, a bigger picture, but she’s saying freeing yourself is one thing. Claiming ownership of that freedom is another. So yes, when, when we know our story, the next step is to get out there and tell it, go into action.
But the interesting thing about stories is they’re things we create with our minds, little templates that allow us to make decisions quicker and make choices and make meaning of new experiences based on past ones. So, we use all those three parts, functional psychology, you know, neocortex, limbic brain, reptilian, those three together create templates that we can then make choices on. They create them as stories and we create templates, whether it’s a good one or bad one, hence why we hold ourselves back with old stories and that, but every time we do create a template, we actually get a dopamine rush.
So when you can unpick all of your templates and reconfigure them, put them back together again as a (singular) template that makes sense of who you are, what you do, and why, imagine the dopamine rush for that one. That’s what makes us feel so unstoppable as suddenly our whole life makes sense. That’s what I love about brand story, is that it’s the story that supports who you are, what you do, and why, which are the three things that every brand needs to explain to its clients.
I think, certainly it was what I used to think and I know that a lot of my clients and colleagues and so on have this misconception about the brand story. It seems mystical and it’s like, right, so I’ve got my story, okay, I’ve got my story. But is that not just, is the brand story not just for the big brands like Coca Cola and your Amazons and so on. So, can you simplify for us, Melanie, how people can understand? You’ve kind of given us an outline there of the brand story, but how does that fit into our business? And take away this sort of myth around the brand story. That it’s something that’s out there but maybe not for me.
Melanie: So the interesting thing, the key about story and you know, and why wouldn’t we just state what we do and why we do it, and why anybody should care, which is the true part we need to answer is that story does all of that and does the connecting piece, which is always the challenge. So, a story is able to create an empathy bridge. It allows the person on the other side to feel my goodness me, this business gets me. Get’s my problems, gets what I need. And they’re now thinking about themselves and not necessarily you.
Know, we could say yeah, that’s just marketing Mel, you know, talk about pain points and solutions. The thing about story is it allows it to come alive, and it allows it to be…for us to literally relate directly to it. Then there’s the extra tiny little piece on top of that in that it allows us to see the authenticity behind it. That authenticity is this lovely word that we’ve been buzzing around. I’m sure you’re like me or a little bit. Like, so what do you mean by authentic? Nobody questions what authenticity means when the business shows up with its story because now you literally believe why somebody gets into the business, what they’re doing, and who they are because the story is literally how we get to know people.
The thing about authenticity is, you know, the research says it’s a marker for credibility. As soon as we feel something’s authentic, we give them the credibility. We say yes, they’re very credible and that’s very closely followed by trust. So, story is the most effective and efficient way and most reliable way of building know, like, and trust right from the very start, of course it’s terribly engaging, and people are drawn into it. You know, there are big stories where the founders are front and centre, I think everybody in the world knows, Tom’s Shoes story. Blake McCalsky goes toward Argentina to a village where he sees the children have no shoes, returns to America, founds ‘Tom’s 1 for 1, buy a pair of shoes, we’ll donate a pair.’ That story has been at the centre of his business for ever. No other story was ever told about it and yet it’s a story and we knew who he is and we know why he’s in the business. I don’t know about you, but every time I’ve ever thought about buying a pair of Toms, I’m like, Oh, that makes me feel good. I’m not saying it’s just a story, but it’s a story. Yes, it has altruism attached to it.
So, one of my clients is ex-military and he’s bringing into businesses, a combination of military thinking to help them to grow awareness of where they are and then how to make decisions moving forward, better use of OODA Loop and mission command etcetera. You know, on the surface that would be, you could just state that sounds good. He has some great letters after his name, OB and E, and you would think that would be enough. But it’s when he tells the story of how he understood the power of the OODA Loop and Mission Command together and it’s to do with, you know, it is to do with Afghanistan and it is to do with Helmand region and UDIs and things like that. But when he tells it he suddenly becomes full of colour. Completely different to what’s standing in front of you and his credibility goes through the roof. You then understand exactly how that person in front of you knows what they know and why it’s effective. That it shortens that journey from getting to know somebody or a business or a service because story has…it’s literally anthropologically…there’s proof that we co-evolved with story. So, we’re just using the most efficient method of connecting. But deliberately, strategically.
Dylis: Yes, indeed. And funnily enough I was speaking this morning at an event. I’m actually known to be the sales storyteller because I tell stories all the way through. I absolutely love stories and in fact, this is an absolute aside, I’ve got four grandchildren that live near to me and they’ll often stay over and I’ll say to them still, would you like a story from a book or would you like a mouth story? And they’ll say “a mouth story granny please a mouth story.” So I tell them these mouth stories and they’re absolutely enthralled.
Melanie: That’s a great story in itself right there. I love your candle story.
Dylis: Sorry?
Melanie: I love your candle story.
Dylis: Yes. They loved my candle story this morning. I’ve told the story about my dad and I tell my story about my daughter and her husband all around part of the strategy in terms of ideal client, I talked about them setting up their business and how they didn’t have their ideal client in the beginning and they were working for people that didn’t like working with. Late payers, people who ask for quotes but didn’t have the money, jobs that weren’t profitable, jobs with people they didn’t really like and once we got ideal client the business changed because then it allowed them to get into the shoes and understand the ideal client and be able to speak their language and make the marketing very relevant. At the end people said, “Oh my God I loved your story.” It really made it…it brought it to life. And I think that’s what your saying Melanie, isn’t it? It’s bringing it to life.
Melanie: The other thing which you’ve beautifully illustrated there is that we don’t remember facts and figures, but we do remember stories and not only that we repeat stories. So, when you tell one that your ideal client understands, they then are able to remember it and then they’ll tell someone else that story about you. That’s the strategy part of it is when you’re this side, you want to hit that sweet spot between you and your client. You know, and every time you break that veil you leave an impression. But from this side you can actually craft one that you’re intentional about, that you know what it’s going to do on the other side, what it’s hoping to do. All businesses have to connect. That’s what we have to do as human beings and businesses are not different.
Dylis: Yes indeed. I think, if again going back to this misconception where I think people go grand story, well that’s not for me. It’s not that you would necessarily put your brand story into a marketing piece into an email, I think that’s what you’re saying. That it would be part of when you’re together or you know, at a meeting or you doing a speaking engagement or maybe you’re speaking to someone at a networking meeting.
Melanie: You’re such a smart woman Dylis.
Dylis: You’re making me blush.
Melanie: This is a question that my clients are often facing is once they get this story, what do they do with it? Of course, it boils down to being an about page but your about page is your most visited page after your homepage, right? It’s 56% of visitors to a website go to the homepage and that is where you’re going to, you know, find out the chemistry between you and the business and where you can establish credibility, and where you can let your clients know that you get them.
But actually, the genius of brand story is that your brand should become as easy as conversation because we talk all the time and you know, we should be networking. Frankly, I end up telling mine in the coffee, in the queue for getting my coffee. Yesterday I managed to sell my business to the barista on the other side and he’s going to take one of my programs. So, I’m in his face but it’s more like once you can talk about your brand in a story, it means that it’s as easy as conversation.
That’s when you are on a train or you are in the networking or even a parent teacher meeting and somebody says, what do you do? We all shrink at that point and go; I’ve got a title and I do it for this company. It’s a job. Whereas in actual fact, if you can say…well in my world, in some worlds what I do is called a brand story strategist. But in my world, I believe I make legends. It immediately brings people forward and they’re like what does that mean? Oh my God, that sounds fascinating. I’d love to be a legend. Can you make me a legend? You know, it starts a conversation and I should then be able to tell the story of who I am, what I do, and why in a way that sounds natural.
Dylis: Yes, yes.
Melanie: It’s just a conversation. You know you’re going to, you’re going to shorten the sales cycles if you can talk about your brand in a way that engages.
Dylis: I’ve got an example actually. From yesterday I took an existing client out for lunch and it was lovely. We were just having this really nice casual friendship kind of chat, done lots of work for them and I’m hoping to do lots more in the future. She started talking about how people feel they’re not good enough and there’s this imposter syndrome. Some of the people that she’s working with have got this in the company and so on. I said, you know, it’s funny you should say that. I said, I’ve got a great story about that. I told her the story of years and years ago when I had my children just babies short of cash. First husband was in and out of work and, and what have you. I thought, what can I do? I decided I would learn to type and type thesis for students and I could do it at home and still look after my babies.
I went an enrolled at a private night class and got a really good mark with my exam and the typing. Had some students lined up to do this thesis. But a month after I had got my results, I got a letter asking me if I would teach at the night class. I was like, oh my goodness, how are earth can I do this? I’m not teacher trained or qualified or anything, you know, but it was £15 a session. Then, this was back in the 70s it was like a lot money and I was short of money. Talk about having a purpose. Anyway, so I said yes, I would do it. I went along to get my leader’s guide and all of my guide for how to hire out the typewriters and everything. So they said there’s the thing for all of your admin, there’s your leader’s guide for the typing. Lovely, lovely and I’m really excited and she said, and here’s your leader’s guide for the shorthand. I said, I didn’t do the shorthand. I said, I just did the typing. She said you’ll be great. This is honest, honest truth. You’ll be great.
My mind went, if I say I can’t do the shorthand they might not let me do the typing. So I’ll say yes and I literally learned it one week and taught it the next week. I bought a blackboard, I bought chalk, I bought a rubber. Well I had an old-fashioned recording machine, you know, with the tapes and I used to record the lessons and then listen to them and I practiced, practiced, practiced. So, I was sharing this story with this lady yesterday that I had out to lunch and she went, that’s exactly what I need for my people. I need them to believe, I need them to have…when I was talking about purpose, and belief, and impact, because I was telling the story. I didn’t think, oh how can I find a story? It was just….it just came out, you know? She went that’s exactly, that’s just exactly… So, we went down another route and there’s going to be another opportunity to be able to do some work around belief, about purpose, about not feeling like an imposter, you know? So, am I on the right track here?
Melanie: I was just going to say, the wonderful thing about story is how quickly it reframes things for us. So, you know, we could take week-long courses or weeks of courses on reframing and neurolinguistic programming and things like this but stories that you have demonstrate throughout our conversation right now has been the way that you could illustrate a point you wanted to make. That you get somebody immersed in a story to think in a different way? That’s, you know, if we think about movies, we often go to a movie and by the end of it we’re like, oh yes, I definitely wish I was a black woman in the 1950s coding for NASA. I would have got rockets… And you’re like, I wouldn’t have wanted to be a woman in the 50s and yeah. This is what stories do, they reframe, they allow us to believe in possibility particularly say businesses to businesses. They allow us to see the transformation that that person, that business can get for us because it’s fully…it’s colourful, and it’s rich on the other side.
What I also…what struck me is how often you’re telling a teaching story. There are three main types of stories and only three that we need to know. One of them is the teaching story, which we can tell every day. You know, the second one is an origin story. Where did we come from, and why do we do what we do? That one can evolve, you know, as the company grows, or our businesses grow. Then there’s the signature story, which is what is your one idea really worth sharing? Given a global stage and 20 minutes, what thing would you think was worth sharing with the world and how does your support stories support you knowing that. That’s a signature story. Once you know that stories come in three main types, you know if you’re going to be telling a teaching story or it’s your origin story, or it’s this big signature story. The interesting thing of course is story is no longer a nice to have, it’s a core skill for the 21st century because we have to be out there telling stories every day.
Dylis: So, and I think we can just get rid of the myth that brand story is just for your John Lewis, your Coca Cola and these big brands. This is for you, and me, and our listeners, the audience, people who are watching.
Melanie: Let me just give you the tiniest little business, it’s a flower card company. We’re not talking John Lewis, we’re talking about one individual painting flower cards and having them printed up and yes, distributed nationally to two florists. She just becomes a flower card, enclosure card amongst many other options.
It was when she started to tell the story of those cards. When she pointed out to people that flowers were there at every important point in our lives. At births, at marriages, at deaths, at apologies, at birthdays, things like that. That’s where flowers sit in our lives. But the flowers die and all you have left is the enclosure card that reminds you someone was thinking of you. Suddenly there was a lot more emotion behind her flower cards and there was a reason for them and suddenly they grew in importance. That’s the difference that your story can make.
Dylis: So we know we’ve got the three types of story. You’ve got your teaching, your signature story or your origin. How do people then, if we just take the high-level elements, we know the other the three stories, what else do people need to consider?
Melanie: I think the most important principle to understand is called the empathy bridge, which is what I call the empathy bridge. So, you’re telling a story, a story needs to go on a journey. The journey is if you can think of your client on the other side of the veil and your aim is to hit that sweet spot, is to tell a story where they are now. Usually, you know, if we’re selling a service it’s where we were before we knew what we know now. So we take that dot and we join it to one on the other side of the empathy bridge, which is us now with all our knowledge and our expertise and the transformation we can offer, whether it’s, you know, sales, more sales or whether it’s legends.
On the other side we tell the journey, the story of that journey so that the client feels we’ve met them where they are, which is where we were usually, and we’ve shown them that possibility, which is us now standing as proof. We can just tell the story of that journey, which is essentially two dots. You know, Steve Jobs gave that commencement speech in 2005 where he said, “I’m going to just tell three stories and the first one’s going to be about joining dots” and he said “You can’t join them.” Looking forward you can join them in hindsight. If we can tell the story of those two dots and join them, that creates that bridge that our potential clients can see their way over to where we are and what we can offer them.
So, it’s the empathy bridge that’s the key. If I was going to drop one last little pithy tip in, it would be to understand the power of a hook. A hook creates an open loop. A hook is essentially a question you ask, something that hooks people in. It uses what’s called, the curiosity loop. As soon as you…to try and get a new idea into somebody’s mind it’s likely to meet resistance because that’s how we protect ourselves. We don’t really like new ideas, but curiosity is the permission to drop new information into somebody’s mind. So, if you can illicit curiosity, then you will have got permission to give somebody more information and to help them to understand what’s possible for them. So, a hook is a very, very useful principle to understand or learn. To open with a hook is always a good thing.
Dylis: So this would be at the start of a talk?
Melanie: Definitely at the start of every talk, but you could put it at the front of every Facebook post. If we think about it, what you’re really…at its heart curiosity is an unanswered question. If you ask a question that elicits hook. So, I have a client who is, you know, she’s a nutritionist and she does deliver programs into corporates. The way she opens her website or her speeches is that she said, when I was 13, I cheated on my science fair grade or my science fair project. In America, they have these science fairs. So she says, I cheated on my science fair project results and 25 years later it saved my life.
Immediately, there’s lots of curiosity in there. She cheated at school, she let it save her life. How did it save her life? As soon as you can answer that question of course, what she’d actually done for her science fair project was she decided she was studying the effect of a good breakfast on concentration. She’d done a week where she’d eaten breakfast and gone to school and a week where she didn’t and actually, she had no discernible results. No discernible differences, but she knew she should, so she cheated the results and said she’d been able to concentrate better on the day she’d eaten breakfast.
It was 25 years later when she had a chronic pain and was couch bound and actually unhealthy that she remembered that, and she realised that there’d been no nutrition in her breakfast. She’d been, eating bags of air and sugar. But that’s when she went, “Holy crap. That’s the key.” So, 25 years later, cheating on her science fair project saved her life. She then went obviously into nutrition and she now goes into businesses and helps work forces to understand the importance of eating well.
Dylis: Fantastic and am I right in saying that is a really good empathy bridge as well because she’s positioned that hook, created curiosity but then got into their world and join those dots.
Melanie: Yes and of course, you know, all she has to say…they’re now curious as to what it is that she did and how did it save her life 25 years later. So now she actually can take her time to tell the rest of the story, but it is that thing of yes, she can then land it where they are, which is not eating a good nutritious breakfast, losing concentration at two, three o’clock in the afternoon, as you know, that can be a problem and the productivity feeling that you haven’t gotten enough energy for the week or you’re too tired. So, she can just land it there and then say, here’s why.
Dylis: Yeah, fantastic. And people will get that because it’s always about how you make people feel that stays with them, isn’t it? Oh Melanie.
Melanie: It’s credit to Maya Angelou, but it actually was said by a Mormon preacher called Beuhner. People may not remember what you did for them, but they will definitely remember how you made them feel.
Dylis: Yes, exactly. Well, you have made me feel wonderful Melanie, thank you so much. It’s been brilliant talking to you. So, for anybody, any of our audience that would like to learn how to position their story because everybody’s got one and you don’t have to be Coca Cola or John Lewis, you can be just like us.
Melanie: It helps us to stand out because actually it’s a competitive world out here. It’s getting noisier and the way you can stand out and differentiate yourself is through your story. Tons of people do brand story, but I’m the only one who can tell the reason why I do it this way and you’re the one who does sales. And you know, you have a great origin story as to how you became that way, the way you are and the tenacity that you have.
Dylis: Yes, indeed and thank you. So how can people get in touch with you, Melanie, for them to be able to work with you and to help discover and take action on their brand story.
Melanie: Discover the power in your story and become unstoppable that’s what I reckon. Well, oddly I have actually got…my website is Make Your Story Matter, quite deliberately because you need to make your story matter. So it’s and there, there’s contact details, but I am always very happy to, you know, spend half an hour talking to somebody to, you know, to show what is possible in their story. So, and I’ve also got an about page guide. At the moment if they just contact me, I’ll send it to them and they contact us through the website. I’m sure if, you know, I can give you my email and if anybody asks for it, I will send it to them. Yes. I have a full about page guide that’s actually quite comprehensive about The Number One Secrets To Successful About Page That Leading Entrepreneurs Know and I think that that’s probably like a gift I could give to anybody who wants it. But yes,
Dylis: Let me just write that down. Fantastic, and so is there a download or do they just get in touch with you and ask for this about page guide?
Melanie: Yes, there is. There’s one of those popup boxes, but yeah, if that’s tedious, there’s contact details, you know, if somebody wants to speak to me. I’m a real human being.
Dylis: I know. And it’s Melanie Gow, they can connect with you on LinkedIn and that’s Melanie with an “A” Melanie.
Melanie: Melanie and then Gow is like, wow but with a “G.”
Dylis: Yes indeed. Melanie, thank you so much. It’s been an absolute pleasure talking to you, and I know that my audience will have benefited greatly from hearing, you know, your insights. So look forward to seeing you soon.
Melanie: Look very forward to seeing you, and thank you so much for having me on.
Dylis: You’re welcome. Bye for now.
Melanie: Bye.
Dylis: Wasn’t that fabulous? So let me just have a look at my notes and recap some of the key things or key takeaways certainly that I got from Melanie. So your three stories, a teaching story, a signature story or an origin story. Really what resonated with me was this empathy bridge. So you tell the story of where they are now so that you’re really connecting with them, you know, to create that element of trust and credibility. She also talked about the hook and that open loop. She shared that really great story about the nutritionist, you know, who cheated in an exam and so on and then moved on to be able to present what she does. I also love that story about the lady who made the cards with the flowers and then told a story around that in terms of how we use flowers.
She’s great, Melanie. So please, you know, if you’re interested in finding out more, go to her website, and get in touch and ask for that guide or framework for an about page. And if you want to work with her, you know, you’ve got the opportunities to be able to do that too.
So, thank you for joining me, on this podcast, the Inspired Selling Podcast. Remember, I also have a free Facebook group called the Inspired Selling Podcast. So please come across and join us. It’s a place, with like-minded people, consultants, coaches, professional experts, trainers who sell to bigger businesses or want to. You can ask questions, you can learn from the things, the insights that I put on there and also you can become known for what you do and maybe you could position your brand story there.
So until the next time go out and make an impact on those potential clients and help them to overcome their challenges or help them to achieve their objectives with your product or service. Until the next time. Bye for now.
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